Approval of a Guidance document on implementation of a national radiation passbook and its practical use (H10-9.d.2) and a new related version of the dose passbook (H10-9.d.3)

Guidance document for the European Radiation Passbook

HERCA/ guidance document on implementation and practical use of national Radiation Passbooks / New related version of the European Radiation Passbook

HERCA, the association of the Heads of European Radiological protection Competent Authorities, approves a guidance document on the implementation of a national radiation passbook and its practical use and a new related version of the radiation passbook.

During the stakeholder consultation phase launched by HERCA in 2010 on the European Radiation Passbook produced by the HERCA Working Group on Radiation Passbook & Outside workers, the need for guidance on the implementation of such a radiation passbook and on its practical use became clear. Hence, HERCA approved on the occasion of the 7th HERCA meeting in Brussels (30 June 2011) the development of a guidance document to advise Member States on how to implement a radiation passbook and on the practical use of the passbook.

The guidance document produced by the Working Group on Radiation Passbook & Outside workers has been approved by HERCA on the occasion of its 10th meeting held in Paris on 30-31 October 2012. This guidance can be used by the Member State Competent Authorities responsible for occupational radiation protection regardless of whether radiation passbooks are used in their respective countries. It may be used as a model for information exchange related to outside workers including self-employed workers, trainees, apprentices and students.

This guidance refers to requirements as stated in the “Draft of the new BSS”. By “Draft of the new BSS”, it is meant “Draft of the new basic safety standards Directive, version 25.06.2012”. Therefore, this guidance will be updated as soon as the BSS Directive is published.

Following a mandate given to the Working Group on the occasion of the 6th HERCA meeting the Working Group has worked on a feasibility study on the transition to an electronic data exchange on radiological monitoring of workers. As a result of these activities, the transition to an electronic data exchange could find funding from the European Commission in 2014 and should be based on the work carried out by HERCA. The Working Group could help elaborating the requirements of this system using the results of the activities carried out by the WG in this field.


Related information

  • 2010-10-05 – Press release European Radiation Passbook
  • 2012-06-01 – New version of the dose passbook approved (31/5/2012).

For more information on this subject or contact information for your national radiation passbook please contact :


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