Common understanding and recommendations related of the BSS requirements on radon in workplaces
A 1st radon workshop dedicated to National Radon Action Plans was organised late 2014, by NRPA and ASN. The main objective was to share the views and experiences concerning national strategies for reducing radon exposure of the population and associated lung cancer risk.
The main objective of the 2nd European workshop was to provide a forum for European countries to exchange points of view on the transposition of the specific requirements of the BSS dealing with radon exposure in workplaces (articles 5, 9, 23, 25, 31, 35, 54, 103, annex XVIII (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10)) and the impact on the existing national approach and strategy.
The workshop was targeted primarily on regulators from European countries represented in HERCA or invited by HERCA members. ILO, WHO and IAEA also participated.
The final report of the 2nd radon workshop is now available. Some recommendations underline, in particular, the need for international tools for the radon dose calculation and for European guidelines to facilitate the implementation of the new BSS requirements.