CT Manufacturers Stakeholder Involvement
HERCA started its dialogue with the CT manufacturers, professional and international organisations in 2010. Today, HERCA publishes the outcomes of this dialogue in a comprehensive report.
Since its creation, HERCA saw the need for actions to be taken against the increasing trend to higher medical exposures of the European population. It was the firm conviction of HERCA that all stakeholders involved in the radiological process should be part of this important initiative to reduce patient dose. In particular, HERCA considered the CT manufacturers to be one of the most important stakeholders in the field of medical radiation protection. In 2010, HERCA started its dialogue four main CT manufacturers (GE, Philips, Siemens and Toshiba) and COCIR, which represents the radiological, electromedical and healthcare IT industry in Europe.
As an important result of this process, the COCIR CT manufacturers were willing to underline their responsibility on patient dose reduction and provided a voluntary self-commitment by May 13th 2011.
HERCA has orgnised three meetings with stakeholder in the field of medical radiation protection. A further important result of this process was the insight that international cooperation is increasingly important for success, and that this cannot be limited to a European level. To address this issue, HERCA intensified its cooperation with other international regulatory and scientific bodies such as FDA.
In 2014, HERCA issued a position paper on the process of CT dose optimization through education and training and role of CT manufacturers. In 2015, HERCA published the feedback from CT manufacturers and professional organizations in an addendum.
Thanks to an effective involvement of the different CT manufacturers, tools have been developed by the CT Manufacturers and adequate education and training of the CT end have been defined and implemented.