
20th HERCA Board Meeting

HERCA Board met on 2 and 3 November 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark. This 20th meeting was kindly hosted by the Danish Health Authority (SIS).

European Inspection Campaign to Assess Patient Radiation Protection in Diagnostic Radiology

In November 2016, national radiation protection authorities from 18 European countries conducted a special series of inspections in radiology departments and practices. Their aim was to assess the application of the justification principle. By monitoring existing practices, the European authorities identified routes for further improvements in patient radiation protection.

Workshop on NORM and Building Materials

HERCA, with the support of CSN, ASN, and NRPA, organised a Workshop on NORM and Building Materials. This workshop took place on 24-26 May 2016 in Bergen (Norway). HERCA members’ organizations exchanged on the transposition of the specific requirements of the Directive 2013/59/Euratom (Euratom-BSS) dealing with NORM and Building Materials. HERCA issued a “Common understanding of the BSS requirements and recommendations” in June 2017.

2nd Workshop on Radon in Workplaces

HERCA organised a second workshop on Radon in workplaces in the framework of the Euratom BSS directive transpoition works (12-14 October 2015, Geneva, Switzerland).

HERCA MedInspector 2015 Workshop

HERCA organised a workshop on “How to inspect justification and optimization in diagnostic radiology” on 6-8 October 2015 in Brussels, Belgium. This workshop has been an effective platform, bringing together inspectors among Europe, for exchanging practical ideas and experiences when it comes to inspection of justification and optimization. From these discussions, participants have produced recommendations on the practical inspection of justification and optimization within diagnostic radiology.

HERCA Worshop on RPE & RPO

The Heads of the European Radiation protection Competent Authorities (HERCA) have organised on 6-8 July 2015, a workshop kindly hosted by the French nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) in its premises in Montrouge (France) on the implementation of Radiation Protection Expert (RPE) and Radiation Protection Officer (RPO). This workshop is part of the HERCA Action Plan in relation with the transposition and implementation of the Directive 2013/59/Euratom (Euratom BSS). It has been organised by the HERCA Task Force on Education & Training in Radiation Protection on behalf of HERCA in collaboration with the Dutch Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS), the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) and the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN).