
Spring Board Meeting (Liverpool, UK)

HERCA Board met on 15-16 May 2019 in Liverpool in UK. Several documents related to the implementation of the HERCA-WENRA Approach, the development of the awareness campaign on justification of imaging procedures and the veterinary off-site imaging procedures were approved. HERCA Board members also exchanged with IRPA president on views of professionals on the radiation protection system.

Justification and Use of Hand-held X-Ray Equipment

Users of Hand-held X-Ray Equipment can received insufficient information about the radiation hazards induced by these devices. HERCA issues this statement for raising awareness about these risks and ensuring an appropriate use of these devices.

22nd HERCA Board meeting (30-31 October 2018, Paris)

HERCA Board met in Paris on 30-31 October 2018. Several documents were approved such as the HERCA Statement on hand-held X-ray equipment and country fact sheets on national frameworks in Emergency Preparedness and Response.

MedInspector Workshop 2018

HERCA organised a workshop on how to inspect Justification and Optimisation in Nuclear Medicine on 6-8 Nov. 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden. This second workshop, was addressed to experienced inspectors from radiation competent authorities members of HERCA.